Get Involved

Register to be a volunteer by sending an email to
Bolton’s residents enjoy a diverse system of recreational trails through dozens of properties totaling over 2000 acres. These properties provide a rewarding outdoor experience of local terrains, habitats, historic features, and natural resources. Bolton’s trails show that our Town is connected in ways other than by roads.
Primary efforts of the Bolton Trails Committee – in collaboration with the Bolton Conservation Commission, the Bolton Conservation Trust, and contributing landowners – is to create, mark, and maintain Bolton’s trails; to create and update property trail maps; to build and maintain bridges and walkways in order to protect resource areas; to enable responsible access through conservation land; to uncover and preserve the history of Bolton’s conservation properties; and to encourage the appreciation of Bolton’s natural beauty.
For meeting dates, volunteer opportunities and property maintenance needs:
The Trails Committee is grateful to all its volunteers. Help is always welcome, whether it’s a few hours now and again, or as a member of our steering committee.
Here’s how we’re organized:
1. The folks who work on the trails are organized under the Bolton Conservation Trust ( They are supported by the Bolton Conservation Commission ( The Trust hosts the trails website ( Since it’s a 501(c)(3) organization, donations for trail work are recorded appropriately.
2. We have a large number of folks, about 40-50, who have expressed interest in helping with trail maintenance. Emails keep volunteers informed about events and opportunities to help.
3. About 15 volunteers form the Trails Steering Group, whose members take more active roles. This group is made up of individuals who like to lead and help organizing activities, managing the website, collecting route and trail data, and maintaining trails. It meets monthly, with minutes published on the trails website. The meetings are open to everyone. The Steering Group includes the Bolton Conservation Agent and the Bolton Volunteer Land Steward.If you’d like to join us, you can be added to the volunteers email list, or to the steering group email list. Email: telling us what interests you.