July 29, 2020
The trail was very overgrown at the parking lot on Wattaquadock Hill Road where the Gould Memorial Trail starts. This is a primary route to the Welch Pond area. So Gordon Taylor weed whacked and used hedge shears to clear Read more…
The website of Bolton Trails Committee. Maps, routes, paths and events on conservation land in Bolton Massachusetts
July 29, 2020
The trail was very overgrown at the parking lot on Wattaquadock Hill Road where the Gould Memorial Trail starts. This is a primary route to the Welch Pond area. So Gordon Taylor weed whacked and used hedge shears to clear Read more…
July 25, 2020
Somebody continues to decorate the trails with painted stones, cheerful messages and sound advice. Several more appeared in July.
Rebecca Longvall has assembled Bolton’s first self-guided walking tour. It’s on the Annie Moore land and starts at the Bolton Woods Way trailhead. You will need a smart phone with a QR reader app in order to follow the tour. Read more…
Rebecca Longvall has recently added a story book trail around the Fyfeshire Upper Pond. You can follow the story boards as you circumvent the water, go over the dam and cross North Brook. Just the thing for the children. https://boltontrails.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/15-Fyfeshire-July-2020.pdf Read more…