Bolton Trails

The website of Bolton Trails Committee. Maps, routes, paths and events on conservation land in Bolton Massachusetts

Fallen Tree Cleared on Horton Trail

On 18 October, Bob and Alice Roemer cleared a large pine (18”) between Junction Markers 1F & 1B on the Bob Horton Trail about 50’ west of 1F. The base of the tree was directly adjacent to the north wall of the Hildreth Quarry. Luckily it fell northward from the southwest wind and didn’t fall on top of the iconic free standing scapolite dike in the quarry. The tree fell uphill and was under a great deal of compression. After the first cut (made with wedges driven into the top as the cut was made) Bob cut a diagonal above it, also with wedges, and rolled out the wedge shaped section (in the foreground in one of the photos) without jamming the saw. Worked like a charm. The technique is written up in the National Forest Service manual.


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