Bolton Trails

The website of Bolton Trails Committee. Maps, routes, paths and events on conservation land in Bolton Massachusetts

Old plank bridge replaced at Wilder

On Thursday, 17 June 2021 a team of Bob Roemer, Drew Schabhut, Larry Kunz, Brianna Carlisle and Gordon Taylor installed a new bridge to replace the old plank bridge that had long since been overgrown and/or washed downstream. They were helped by Bolton’s DPW that delivered the 16′ stringers to the site and also collected a supply of Trex decking for the treads. The team was able to use up some old materials in addition to new Trex and some specially obtained 16′ 4X6 pressure treated lumber for the stringers.

The team cut and drilled the treads in the Town Hall Parking area using a template made by Bob and tools supplied by Larry, Bob and Gordon, then moved this to the Wilder area.

Since the site was measured and surveyed a few weeks previously the undergrowth had become very thick, so before starting assembly a serious brush-clearing exercise was needed. Drew and Bob did this work while Larry and Gordon cut and drilled treads at the Town Hall. Brianna acted as go-between until everyone was able to participate in final assembly. New to Bolton’s bridges are 2X4 curbs.

Next task – find and clear the old trail to the Old Lancaster Railway Bed. A major brush clearance activity. The path beyond the new bridge is very overgrown…

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