Additional Quarry on Rattlesnake
September 24, 2023
Bolton Trails Committee member Bob Roemer hikes at Rattlesnake regularly.
One day during hike, he realized that some of the trails had (2J to 2H) been well travelled by heavy vehicles in the past (oxen carts) which suggested that there may have been more lime quarrying further up the Rattlesnake land beyond the “Cave”. As he looked around the trail for possible sites, he found more evidence.
Looking uphill from 2J it became obvious that there had been quarrying….and regrettably, more recent digging and scavenging similar to that at the Cave.
Bob shared these images from his hike that shows some evidence of quarry.
Bob said that there were a couple of pieces of excellent marble-like Bolton limestone among the excavated rock indicating it had been a high quality source.
Bob is also very knowledgeable in Rattlesnake and the quarry that used to be there. He researched some more using the resources he had and found that Wallace Hansen had clearly identified this quarry in his superb report of 1956.
One more reason to protect and enjoy hikes at Rattlesnake!