Bolton Trails

The website of Bolton Trails Committee. Maps, routes, paths and events on conservation land in Bolton Massachusetts

Blockages cleared on the Bartsch Connector and Taggart

On Wednesday 29 June 2022, Rebecca Longvall and Gordon Taylor cleared a downed tree on the Bartsch Connector between Bowers Springs and Bare Hill Road. This section of trail is also a part of the Tom Denney Nature Camp Hike and will be used extensively by campers throughout the Summer.

This large tree had fallen across the trail and brought a smaller tree down as it fell. Both trees were cleared from the path.

Afterwards, Rebecca and Gordon went to the Taggart property and cleared a  number of obstructions.

Location of the blockage
Two fallen trees across the path
Bartsch Connector cleared
Among the many obstructions cleared at Taggart, this large tree was on the side trail towards the old railway bed.

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