Backyard Bolton
September 14, 2022
Bolton Trails Committee and the Bolton Conservation Trust were present at all three dates of Backyard Bolton on 20 and 27 August, and 10 September. There was a lot of interest and many people stopped by to say hello, buy a trail guide, pick up a sticker, ask for information and give us feedback on their experiences. Many people took the opportunity to mark the map with the location of their house so we could talk about conservation areas nearby.
The Trail Guide was very popular and it is now in its fifth printing. There is an insert for the Taggart area available because this land was not open when the guide was printed. Many of these were given away at the Backyard Bolton event.
Visiting dogs were very grateful for the dish bowl of water that we provided. It was very hot on all occasions.
Kudos to Drew Schaubhut for organizing the table and setting up the displays. At various times, Larry Kunz, Hemali Parekh, Betsy Taylor-Kennedy, Keith Silver, Drew Schaubhut, Liz Schoepke and Gordon Taylor helped at the event.
Our State Representative, Kathy Hogan, stopped by to talk to us and spent about 20 mins at the table learning about our activities.
Nice work guys!