Bridge project underway
January 13, 2024
In 2022 Bolton was awarded a State grant to build a set of multi-use bridges after a first class effort by Cynthia Ayotte. These bridges are to be suitable for many types of trail users. The award was noted in a posting on this website:
In November and December 2023, a team from Bolton Trails Committee started work on the first of these bridges located on the Vaughn Hills Conservation Area.
The group at various times consisted of Cindy Ayotte, Larry Kunz, Keith Silver, Gordon Taylor, Chris DeMers, Tom Mahoney, Betsy Taylor-Kennedy and Ketan Parekh. Planning was done at the home of individuals (nice pastries from Cindy), online and and during several breakfasts at the Bolton Bean. There was support from Town employees such as Don Lowe, Jenny Jacobsen, Randy Heglin.
Material was delivered to the Town Hall and the team initially met to cut all wood to size before moving it on Keith’s truck to the Hansen parking area. It was carried manually 1/3 mile to the location.
Over multiple sessions, Larry, Gordon and Keith cleared obstructions, dug trenches for footings and assembled the bridge. The old bridge was relocated a few feet further along the path over a muddy section.
Keith delivered rocks which have been used as a base for ramps up to the bridge, which is slightly elevated above the trail in anticipation of flooding because of the weather and nearby activity by beavers.
Still do do is completion of the ramps, fitting a landscape cloth layer and a covering the installation with peastone surface.
Thank you so much to the team who organized and built this bridge! My family and I, and our dog Penny, have been enjoying this trail for over 15 years! It’s a treasured spot and we so appreciate the upkeep.