Repair and Improvements at the Lime Kiln Area
May 23, 2020

Bob and Alice Roemer have been very busy at the Lime Kiln Area preparing for expected visitors at the Memorial Day weekend.
They installed an updated map on the kiosk at Trail Head 1.

Then they replaced a bog bridge where the trail was becoming almost impassable.

Bob’s grandson wanted it to be bouncy again. You can’t satisfy everybody!
The wood was saved for another project: the old 12’ pressure treated 2 x 12 that was removed from this bridge was attached in parallel with the existing 12’ PT 2 x 12 on the intermittent stream crossing just west of the west bridge (north side of Great Brook) to build a more suitable bridge.
Bob and Alice then took a look at the lime house foundation shown on the 1831 map of Bolton and cleaned it up.