Bolton Trails

The website of Bolton Trails Committee. Maps, routes, paths and events on conservation land in Bolton Massachusetts


Category: Latest News

Storm Damage Cleared at Fyfeshire and Old Town House Road

On Wednesday and Thursday 8-9 January Larry and Gordon cleared blown down trees at Fyfeshire, the Old Town House Road and at the Quail Run Road end of the Powder House Trail from Town Hall. Fyfeshire Old Town Road:   Read more…

Map Updates

New maps for the New Year! The Rattlesnake Hill and Vicinity map has been completely re vamped with updated trails including the Sawyer Grist Mill section. There is more information about the industrial archeology to be found in the area Read more…

Blockages on Trails from the Common, Town Hall and First Parish Church

The recent snowstorms have caused some trees to break and fall over. Some notable cases were near the Center of Town on the Powder House Trails, The Ronald W Evans Memorial Trail and the Old Town Road. On Thursday 12 Read more…

New Kiosk and trail clearing at Annie Moore

Nick Matte has completed the Bolton Woods Way kiosk. The design was modified from the Vaughn Hills  kiosk and it is more sturdy with additional supports. Additionally, Gordon provided us with the updated Annie Moore map which allowed us to Read more…

New online maps

The mapping team (Chris Fitzgerald, Gregg Matte, Steve Rothman, Hemali Parekh, Rebecca Longvall and Gordon Taylor) has been busy. A new base has been assembled and area maps are now available for: Fyfeshire with the new Haynes-Wheeler trail added Vaughn Read more…

Bowers Springs clean up Episode 3

Larry Kunz has done a heroic job of organizing work parties at Bowers Springs. He continued to lead the effort on the weekend of 19 and 20 October Saturday: We got a lot done today given the small crew of Read more…

Fallen Tree Cleared on Horton Trail

On 18 October, Bob and Alice Roemer cleared a large pine (18”) between Junction Markers 1F & 1B on the Bob Horton Trail about 50’ west of 1F. The base of the tree was directly adjacent to the north wall Read more…

Garrison House Site Cleanup

Located at the corner of Sugar Road and Golden Run Road, the Josiah Whitcomb Garrison House Foundation site had become overgrown with weeds, shrubs and a small pine tree. On Friday 20 September 2019 Drew Schaubhut organized a work party Read more…

Haynes-Wheeler Trail – continued work

Steve, Larry and Gordon finished clearing the trail on Monday 17 June. There were a number of small trees and shrubs to be cleared. Also a few dead mid-size pine trees were removed from the route. The placement of arrows Read more…

Ticks are out!

The tick season has started. Lyme disease can be awful. Please take precautions: Tuck your trousers in to your socks when in the woods. If you find a tick on your person, contact your physician. Use an insect repellent. Follow Read more…