Bolton Trails

The website of Bolton Trails Committee. Maps, routes, paths and events on conservation land in Bolton Massachusetts


Category: Trail work

2023 has been a busy year for trail maintenance

The 2023 weather has caused many trees to fall and block trails, also the good growing conditions have encouraged the undergrowth to spread onto trails in many places, sometimes with a lot of poison ivy. Volunteers have cleared worked with Read more…

Overgrown Vinger – Venable Trail cleared

There have been reports that the Vinger-Venable Trail near the shared driveway to Berlin Road was overgrown to the extent that it had become impassable, and that beavers had settled in to the swamp to create a sizeable pond. In Read more…

Trees blocking trails at Vaughn Hills and Rattlesnake – cleared by volunteers.

Vaughn Hills: A large tree fell at Vaughn Hills bringing down other tree and blocking the path from Bare Hill Road to the Beaver Pond. There was also a smaller tree causing a minor obstruction on the same path. This Read more…

New map display on Annie Moore Kiosk

In June 2023, the map for the Annie Moore on Bolton Woods Way has been replaced by Nick Matte and his father, Greg, because it had become de-laminated over the years. It was first installed during Nick’s Eagle Scout project Read more…

Taggart Connection to Sand Road now available

Walkers on the Taggart property will have noticed that that the old railway bed continued on to private land beyond the “End of Trail Sign”. This land is owned by the Vespa family and the trail continues across the area Read more…

Fallen trees cleared at Vaughn Hills

The Trails Steering Committee’s newest member, Mark Hatfield, noticed some fallen trees blocking the cart path that leads from the Green Road parking area for the Hansen Land (Vaughn Hills). So he took the initiative and cleared them using a Read more…

Trail blockages cleared at the Oak Trail Path

The trail easement along the north side of the Oak Trail FOSPRD development is held by Bolton Conservation Trust. It’s a little-used, but handy connection between Ballville Road and the Bolton Conservation land that surrounds the area. It’s expected that Read more…

Bridge straightened at Moen

In January 2023, a trail user reported that a bridge in the Vaughn Hills area near the Moen parking lot was very dangerous and in slippery weather it looked as though someone could slip off into the brook below, especially Read more…

Signs Replaced at Taggart

The Trails Committee had received comments that the “Dead End” signs at Taggart were misleading because they implied that the paths continued afterwards for some distance. Another comment was that there were not clear arrows and marking for the Old Read more…

Bridge and Duck boards repaired at Bowers

There was some damage to the high bridge over Bowers Brook and the bog bridges crossing the wet areas nearby. Specifically, some of the boards had been broken at the edges. Larry Kunz took charge and organized a repair. Gordon Read more…