Bolton Trails

The website of Bolton Trails Committee. Maps, routes, paths and events on conservation land in Bolton Massachusetts


Category: Bolton Conservation Trust Activities

2021 Edition of the Trails Guide

The 2021 edition of the Bolton Trails Guide is now available either from the Town Hall or directly from The Bolton Conservation Trust. $20.00 at the Town Hall (no cash – pay by check or PayPal directly to the Trust). Read more…

Another oak down at Rattlesnake

Another oak tree fell at Rattlesnake recently. Bob and Alice Roemer were again ready to clear it. This one was across the trails at intersection 2E.  BTW the “2E” marker was safe on another tree.

New maps installed at trailheads and significant trail junctions

With the new set of trail maps, new “you are here” maps have been created for installation at trailheads, significant trail junctions and parking areas. This was a team effort: Bob Roemer procured the materials and made the wooden map Read more…

Trees Cleared at Rattlesnake

On October 7, after recent heavy winds, Bob and Alice Roemer have again been hard at work clearing the trails in what has been called “Microburst Alley” at Rattlesnake. The storm on the afternoon of October 7 brought down a Read more…

All Trails Club gets bigger

In the Summer of 2020, several new names were added to the All Trails Club membership list. Congratulations to all: All Trails Club Members There are still plenty of patches left for the first 100 members. So keep on hiking.

Annie Moore Trail Work

A downed tree was removed from the trail near Annie Moore Road.  Additionally, a sign which had been taken down along with a fallen tree has been rehung near Bolton-Stow junction.

Wind damage at Rattlesnake

Bob and Alice Roemer cleared three trees at Rattlesnake on Saturday  August 15. The cooler weather made this a much more pleasurable job than it would have been a day or two earlier. It appears that stronger winds (microbursts?) seem Read more…

Blockages on the cart track at Gould-White

The early August 2020 storm brought down an old and rotten tree over the cart track on the Gould-White area, adjacent to the Wallie land and very close to the intersection with Sawyer Road. Gordon Taylor and Betsy Taylor-Kennedy cleared Read more…

Covid-19 Guidelines and Training for volunteers,

The Bolton Conservation Commission has released guidelines for volunteers while working on trails during the pandemic. The  protocols were originally developed by a task force of Appalachian Trail Conservancy staff, A.T. volunteer leaders, NPS-APPA and USFS staff. Also included is Read more…

Tree blow down at Annie Moore cleared

The early August 2020 storm brought down a tree just south of the Bolton-Stow intersection with the cart track to the Annie Moore Rd cul-de-sac. Another tree with a trail sign about 100′ south from there had also fallen. On Read more…